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iPhone, iPad, FileMaker Brisbane,Planning

Our Story

FileWorx Software Solutions  is a software company specialising in the development of customised software solutions. The company has developed and continues to develop industry specific systems for a broad range of clients. These clients range from small businesses through to large companies utilising a multitude of software products.

The company's primary areas of operation are in the hospitality industry, through the Clubworx System, and our select group of Internet and intranet clients. Our intranet clients include such companies as Santos Mining. We also have a Retail POS system with links to MYOB , XERO and Shopify. API integration to other site such as AUSTPOST are also available.

History Development and the Future

Development of the software came about initially by the inadequacies highlighted to us by the hospitality industry in existing software packages. Through our dealings with leading members of this industry we identified many areas that caused frustrations and began developing a solution that was the basis of the Clubworx package. We set our goals high in order to provide a complete software package solution that can be tailored to suit a particular client's needs.

ClubWorx is a next generation administrative and marketing solution designed using the skills and know-how gained through over 3 years of research and development and by taking advantage of enormous input provided by our clients and our own experiences. In essence, the package has not been developed by office bound IT personnel, rather moulded around the exacting requirements of the hospitality industry.

Continued refinement and our desire to produce future products directed at the larger retail market sector means the potential for the Clubworx is almost unlimited.


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